McDonalds, Toys R Us, Matalan, Aldi – ParkingEye are losing you customers!
To the directors of retail outlets,
Please have a look at this selection of tweets from YOUR customers. Well, I say customers, I doubt they will return.
Sorry @toysrusuk we won’t be using your Stevenage store again due to Parking Eye PCN. Not your fault I know but affects customer service. — Katy Lewis (@KTL01) February 11, 2015
@Matalan HELP! My sister & I are being hounded by #ParkingEye. For 20mins over while spending £100’s at your Chelmsford store at Christmas! — Clare-Marie Waldon (@Clare_M_Waldon) February 11, 2015
@McDonaldsUK disgusted I have had a parking ticket for £100 from parking eye for staying 12mins over in the Blackwood restaurant. This is — owain lewis (@owainpt) February 11, 2015
@AldiUK shame on you Aldi – so unhelpful to people caught out by Parking Eye charges. Another customer retreats back to Sainsburys!!
— Sarah Chalmers (@SarahChalmers3) February 6, 2015
Ask yourself this: Is this loss of business worth the value that ParkingEye bring?
The problem is that ParkingEye’s goals in your relationship are different to yours. You want to stop people abusing your facilities (e.g. park there all day whilst at work), whilst ParkingEye want to ticket as many cars as they can. The problem is that genuine customers get caught in the crossfire. Would you want to punish your customer for staying 12 minutes longer in your car park? Of course you wouldn’t. Unfortunately, whilst you employ these sorts of company, they will drive away your customers, and their family, and their friends.
Get rid.
ATTENTION – Readers of this piece, please retweet those tweets using the buttons above; we need to get the attention of these companies.