Transport Select Committee
This is an interesting read, sent to us by Nev Metson, a private parking campaigner.
In September 2011 he prepared written evidence to the Commons Select Committee about private parking companies’ access to the DVLA’s Registered Keeper data. In the submission he raises concerns about the DVLA abdicating their duties under the Data Protection Act. He highlights the fact that British Parking Association members have unfettered access to the data, since there are not effective constraints applied by the DVLA to ensure each request has ‘reasonable cause’.
He goes on to detail an example where the system had been abused by Observices Parking Consulting (OPC). The company had had their access to the database suspended by the DVLA following a conviction for criminal behaviour. The case had been brought by Trading Standards and involved 36 counts of criminal behaviour in the operation of the company. After the suspension had finished, this company obtained details of over 1,000 registered keepers’ stockpiled during their suspension period, putting into question the control DVLA have on the release of data.
To read the submission in full, go click here.